Archived data set
- Hsiao, C., Ward, C. L., Fang, X., Fry, D., Casey, T., & Ganz, G. (24 Jan 2017). Why we need to prevent violence against children to boost South Africa’s economy. Blog article on Safespaces.
Case study documents
Conceptual frameworks
Methodological papers
Press releases
- Ole!Media Content Hub. (2016). Violence against children costs SA billions. Press conference at Constitutional Hill, 23 November, 2016.
- Uncovering drivers of violence against children in Swaziland: Violent discipline affects 9 in 10 children; 1 in 3 experience some form of sexual abuse
Secondary analysis data brief
- Fry, D. (2016). Understanding determinants of violence in childhood: A secondary analysis of the National Baseline Survey of the Life Experiences of Adolescents in Zimbabwe. Understanding Violence Against Children in Zimbabwe Series, No. 3. Harare: UNICEF.
Technical papers
- University of Edinburgh (UoE), Childline Zimbabwe and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Zimbabwe. (2016). A case study of referral pathways Childline Zimbabwe: Understanding Violence Against Children in Zimbabwe Data Series. Harare: UNICEF.
- University of Edinburgh (UoE), Childline Zimbabwe and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Zimbabwe. (2016). A secondary analysis of data from Childline Zimbabwe: Understanding Violence Against Children in Zimbabwe Data Series. Harare: UNICEF.
Summary documents
- Maternowska, M. C., Potts, A., & Fry, D. (2016). Multi-country study on the drivers of violence affecting children: A cross-country snapshot of findings. Florence, Italy: UNICEF Office of Research.
- NSPCC. (n.d.). Deaf and disabled children talking about child protection. Edinburgh: NSPCC Child Protection Research Centre.